Monday, June 28, 2010

京剧于清光绪年间形成于北京(一说形成于道光年间). 京剧的正式形成大约是道光二十年(1840年)以后的事,这时京剧的各种唱腔版式已初步具备,京剧的语言特点已经形成,在角色的行当方面已出现了新的变化,已拥有一批具有京剧特点的剧目,京剧第一代演员也已经出现:余胜三、张二奎、程长庚被称为老生“三鼎甲”,此外还有老生演员兼京剧剧作家卢胜奎。京剧的发展影响起了很大的作用。京剧音乐属于板腔体,主要唱腔有二黄、西皮两个系统,所以京剧也称“皮黄”。京剧常用唱腔还有南梆子、四平调、高拔子和吹腔。京剧形成以来,涌现出大量的优秀演员,他们对京剧的唱腔、表演,以及剧目和人物造型等方面的革新、发展做出了贡献,形成了许多影响很大的流派。京剧继承了皮簧戏的丰富剧目,不仅有属于二簧系统的二簧、西皮、吹腔、四平调、拨子等剧目,而且还包括昆腔、高腔、秦腔、罗罗腔、柳枝腔等声腔剧目。




ASGF was amazing.
Sunday, June 6, 2010

PicturesThis was the stage.
The overwhelming amount of people.
The really funny and entertaining mc.
Hui with the oranage mushroom statue.
Hui sitting on the 5th anniversary chair.

Went ASGF(asiasoft game feast) with huihui & weilian in the morning.
Thought of buying the maple chair at first, but after that decide not to.
Not much people bought it even though there was many people.
The guy mc was kinda funny, kept on 'disiao-ing'.
Played the games there and won some prizes (posters,baby dragon toy,calender,mousepad,small keychain plushie and ezlink sticker)
Sorry Wei lian, me & hui kind of left you alone :|
Waited till the end of the feast for the lucky draw.
Sadly din't won anything.
After that, it was the giving out prizes time.
Many people was snatching for the items.
Whereas me & hui was squeezed just like sandwiches -.-
She got her ear hit and hat fell off.
While as for me, my toes got stepped for several times D:
Had my whole day spent at ASGF, from 11am in the morning till 7pm++ at night.
In overall, it was fun.
Except that the prize giving period was shocking and scary._.
Everyone snatching for the items and pushing around.
Swear that we're not gonna stand infront again anymore (:
I'm gonna so go for the next ASGF !
Shall end here for now,


the girl next door

Patrick, spongebob's friend(:
Oh,hi. My name is pamela,I'm a Singaporean. My birthday falls on the first of april. I'm a full-time secondary three school student and now awaiting for the upcoming school holidays. I don't read much, I enjoy listening to different genres of musics. I'm interested in comedy and romance movies,dramas and shows.
I can have a great sense of humor, I love to make people laugh, oftenly I'm shy at first but when I get to know you, I'll treat you as my old buddy, I can easily trust people, but once you break it, you'll never get it back.
-That's me

scream out loud

you're on your way

3e3 mr khan brenda cheryl cheryl/wai ting chengyao jennifer joshua justin huihui leonard mel minghua nicole natasha nessa raine sande vernetta wei wei lian wen hao wei yang xin yu xing ling xin han zhi yu ec dhenoobs

Let the music begin

Music Playlist at MixPod.com

gone with the wind

May 2010
June 2010

take a bow
